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Global configuration settings.

config module-attribute

config = OmegaConf.structured(DefaultConfig)

A structured configuration instance that is used by all acl_anthology classes.

dirs module-attribute

dirs = PlatformDirs('acl-anthology-py')

A PlatformDirs instance that returns platform-specific directories for storing data.


attachment_location_template class-attribute instance-attribute

attachment_location_template = (

URL formatting template for paper attachments.

disable_gc class-attribute instance-attribute

disable_gc = True

If True, disables garbage collection while parsing XML files and building indices. This typically results in a considerable speed-up, but if it happens to cause problems, it can be disabled here.

event_location_template class-attribute instance-attribute

event_location_template = '${url_prefix}/{}'

URL formatting template for event-related files.

logger_name class-attribute instance-attribute

logger_name = 'acl-anthology'

Name of logger to which the library sends log messages.

paper_page_template class-attribute instance-attribute

paper_page_template = '${url_prefix}/{}/'

URL formatting template for paper landing pages.

pdf_location_template class-attribute instance-attribute

pdf_location_template = '${url_prefix}/{}.pdf'

URL formatting template for paper PDFs.

pdf_thumbnail_location_template class-attribute instance-attribute

pdf_thumbnail_location_template = (

URL formatting template for paper thumbnail images.

url_prefix class-attribute instance-attribute

url_prefix = (

Prefix for all remote URLs. Can also be overridden with the environment variable ANTHOLOGY_PREFIX.

video_location_template class-attribute instance-attribute

video_location_template = '${url_prefix}/{}'

URL formatting template for videos.